Friday, February 25, 2011

Obesity In Malaysia

Obesity is affecting Malaysia seroiusly, what say you? why obesity is happening? Is it because of food, lack of exercise, information, & awareness. We should practice a healthy life whenever we are. In healthy life, we should eat variety of food from each level of the Food Guide Pyramid.

Eat accordingly based on this food pyramid, always remember less salt & less sugar make a lot of different. More consume fruit and vegetables.

Malaysians' penchant for skipping breakfast and eating late, especially at night, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle is ruining their figure and health. Breakfast is our most important meal of the day. A slice of bread with a glass of milk will be enough to kick-start your happy morning. DO NOT attempt not to eat for diet. You have to eat to burn fats in your body. So eat healthy & orderly.

BMI(Body Mass Index) is a calculation to measure your body,whether you are underweight, a normal, healthy weight, overweight. This can help you. Click HERE Just key in your height & weight. (Thanks to Nestle)

Malaysia is ranked sixth among Asian countries with high adult obesity rate, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Take good care & eat healthy


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is the rules of Zebra Crossing?

From day 1 what do you learn about Zebra Crossing. If you can't refresh try to click here .
So now you know who has the RIGHT OF WAY, but have you notice in Malaysia, when Zebra crossing is drawn the driver don't even border to look around & stop but accelerate to move faster. It's because Klang Valley is too jam where people always rush for time. So is it the drawing is to make Malaysia more nicer where you can't get Zebra in town so drawing can make it as subsitute.....Hahaha

At this moment people is more than vehicle, so vehicle has no choice loh. TERPAKSA to wait. In Malaysia it has to be people wait for the impatient driver to stop only can walk-thru.

I should propose to Ministry of Safety to perform this in town to pass awareness about Zebra Crossing to all of you & drivers on the road . THE RIGHT OF WAY.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Follow My Foot Steps

I almost completed it for 2 years. Started with friend of mine who is Lydia. I should say a million Thank You to her, & that's RUNNING. I started it with 10km Larian Bomba where I drag myself to complete the run with just for fun where now I still have it for fun & enjoyment. When I the ended the next day I walk like a old man with a TONGKAT. It’s really funny when you see me walk down the staircase step by step. 2 weeks later I ran another Siemen Run for 10km without proper training & I completed a bit faster from the previous run. Without thinking or do I registered the annual Standard Charted Kuala Lumpur Marathon 2009 for 21km with completion with the time of 2:41hour & that’s is slow & got my certification & medal.

From there many I knew many runners & start to share their knowledge to me for to run longer & faster. It take me 1 years to reduce my weight from 72kg & currently I am 63.5kg with healthy diet & running blood flow in my body. Recently, I completed my 21km with the timing of 2:05hours & that’s is a huge improvement. I am impress for myself. I hope that more people will follow my foot step to ensure exercise for a healthier life. KEEP ON RUNNING.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What is my next step.?

Today is Friday & has past the nite of Bai Tian Goong. Today is the day of backing to real life,no more doubt. What shud i do next in my life.? I have been wondering since i came to this industry but how come I manage to survive for 5 years & there is nothing viable has proven me to stay. One of my best friend told me to leave 2 years but but i did not make my decision until few days before Chinese New Year something trigger my mind that i have stand firm or else life will me meaningless for me. Life is full with uncertainty & if a person still stay at the point it means you are moving behind.

I should stay along with my current achievement rather with my ownself sacrifice with my own support.